Evening Routes are still on snow plan. Please meet buses at designated stops. Winter break begins tomorrow and students first day back is January 2nd. We hope you all have a restful break and enjoy time with your family through the holiday.
almost 5 years ago, Lee County School District
Lee County Schools on Snow Plan 12-18-19 The Lee County Schools will operate our bus routes today using the snow plan. This means that buses will run modified routes and won't run all roads they normally run. There are a few patches of ice this morning from run off in areas that make it unsafe for buses to travel on many of our snow plan roads. We are attaching a picture of the plan and it is on the front page of our web page.
almost 5 years ago, Lee County School District
Snow Plan
Our middle and high school students showcased their talents tonight at the Christmas concert. It is great to see students performing the music that they have been practicing. Congratulations to each student on a job well done.
almost 5 years ago, Lee County School District
We would like to congratulate Katie Bowman, Emily Reed, and Madison Begley for winning a $1,000 WYMT Mountain Classic scholarship. They were presented with their awards on Monday at the Mountain Arts Center. We are proud of their accomplishment and look forward to seeing what the future holds for these young ladies.
almost 5 years ago, Lee County School District
almost 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Superintendent Wasson wins state Director of Pupil Personal award. Superintendent Wasson earned the award for her work last year in the Powell County School District. The award is given to the individual in the role of DPP that goes above and beyond for kids. The award was select by her peers.
almost 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Mrs Wasson with state DPP award.
Zach Watterson wins regional golf championship. Zach was recognized by the board of education in their October meeting as he prepares to participate in the state tournament. Zach won the region with a score of 65.
almost 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Student with board of education
Mr Bennett presenting this years State FFA contest winners and those students who attended this years summer FFA camp. Congratulations to all those who participated!! Great job!
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Teacher and students
Mayor Jackson presenting the Lee County High School Archery team with a certificate from the city for their win at the World Shoot in Nashville.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Mayor Jackson presenting the Archery Team with certificates.
Mrs Sherry Lanham and Mrs Jennifer Wilder being recognized by the Board of Education for their work in organizing the back to school events for our students.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Mrs Lanham and Mrs Wilder and the Board of Education
Mrs Jessica Napier being recognized by the Board of Education for her work with the new state health standards.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Board of Education and Mrs Napier
Are you ready for the first day? We are!! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!!
about 5 years ago, Sarah Wasson
Lee County Staff
Lee County Middle/High School welcomes back students!! August 2nd saw a large turn out for the orientation programs. First day for students is Wednesday August 8th.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Students in line
Batman at Redifest!!! Students and adults had a great time as Batman delivered his back to school message !!!!
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Superintendent Wasson and barman
Batman speaking to the crowd
Redifest has a great turnout!!! Thanks to all of our community partners and a special thank you to Mrs Sherry Lanham for 25 plus years of organizing this event
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
People waiting in line
People waiting in lin
Last Principals PLC before the start of the 2019-2020 school year. Only 8 days before the first day with students.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Administration meeting
Lee County Archery Team being recognized by the board of education in the July board meeting. The archery team will be competing in the World Shoot in Nashville at the end of the month. Good luck to all the competitors!
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Archery team members
District Leadership planning with new superintendent Mrs Sarah Wasson for the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
about 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Staff meeting at district office
The Lee County FFA attended a Lexington Legends game while at state convention last week.
over 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Baseball field at sunset
Dr Evans presenting Mrs Botner with a Golden Bell to celebrate her 33 years as director of the Lee County Adult Education Center
over 5 years ago, Steve Carroll
Superintendent presenting award to retiring Adult Education Director